Building an Online Store

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I'm glad you found this article because I am going to tell you what most websites never tell you about creating an online store.

Stores are Simple to Setup

To begin, creating the store is not the technical challenge it used to be. 

All you have to do is sign up with Shopify. This is one of the easiest and most popular premium shopping cart systems used today.

Check out the demo below...

Click here to sign up with Shopify.

Make Sure Your Store Gets Found

If you don't yet have an audience for what you want to sell yet, please make sure you pay attention to this...

Many people have the "build it and they will come" assumption with websites and stores.

Well, that's a myth.

If you want your store to be found in Google, it's important that you understand Google loves content.

The problem with online stores is they generally have very little content and that makes it difficult for them to rank for any relevant keywords.

One way to get more eyeballs on your store when it's new is to create a niche site or blog around what you're selling. Then you can link that site to your store.

Your site has a much better chance of ranking on Google because Google likes content.

Here's An Example...

Let's say you make quilts as a hobby and you want to sell them.

You could create a blog about various quilting and other related topics.

That way you can capitalize on people searching for very specific keywords about quilting.

Then you would link your store from your blog/site. The content would act as a traffic funnel to your store.

Now, if you already have an audience for your store then this advice doesn't matter as much. You can just proceed to setting up your store.

But if you have no plan for how you're going to market it, take the advice above about creating a site to act as a funnel to the store.

Your other options for promoting the store would be social media or even paid ads (Google AdWords).

Just keep in mind, people don't just stumble upon online stores. And you can't just rely on your Facebook friends to catapult your business to the next level.

You need TARGETED traffic (buyers who are seeking out your products), so make sure you have a plan to drive traffic to your store.

Niche Sites & Stores are Best

I'm a big fan of creating niche sites and niche stores. A niche is when you narrow down your focus and target a very specific audience.

So for example, you could sell shirts for Senior girls in high school that have their graduation year on it. That's a perfect example of a niche.


Fewer people are targeting this audience (compared to a generic term like "clothing") and it would be easier to rank for related keywords if you decided to create a blog to funnel traffic to your store.

Now that you understand more about how traffic works, you can keep this in mind when you setup your store.

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