Steps to Create Your Website
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Step 1:
Register Your
Domain Name
You cannot create a website without owning a domain name. It is the address and foundation of any website.
Step 2: Select a Web Hosting
After you've
registered your
domain name, you
need to select a
company to host your
site so you can
build your web
pages. Read this
article to find out
how to choose the
option that's best
for you.
Oh No! Don't Make These Horrible Website Mistakes!!
Don't create your website until you read this article.
Need Help Choosing a Topic?
Before you dive into the world of website creation, you may want to read this article about choosing the right topic.
Research Your Niche Using The Keyword Planner
This is Google's free research tool they provide for their advertisers, but it's free for all to use.
Find a Profitable Topic Using Market Samurai
Here's a quick tutorial on how to use Market Samurai to find a profitable niche for your website.
Tips on DBAs, LLCs, and EINs for Your Website.
Even though you don't need to register your business to make money online, this is something you may want to consider as your income grows.
Blog or Static Website?
Can't decide which is better? Don't know the difference? This article will help.
Build Your Website With Site Build It!
Thinking of creating a website to make money with affiliate marketing, AdSense, etc? SBI! may be the ideal solution for you.
Creating a Website With WordPress
Even though WordPress was primarily created for blogs (content sorted by date), it can also be used for traditional websites if you learn to use the software.
WordPress 101 Tutorial
A beginner's guide to using WordPress.
More Help With Web Design
Not sure what you should use to build and design your website? This section will help and discuss the differences between Dreamweaver, Artisteer, WordPress and more.
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