Using Twitter for Traffic & Promotion
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When I first heard about Twitter, I thought it was incredibly dumb. Who in the world would use this tool to tell people what they're doing every minute of the day?
Well, turns out... millions of people use it for that very reason.
Me, not so much.
I don't necessarily enjoy babbling about what I'm eating, watching on TV, thinking or feeling. However, I have enjoyed using it as a promotional tool for my sites and blog.
I first started using Twitter to announce my new blog posts. If you use Twitterfeed, this free service will automatically broadcast your latest blog posts to Twitter.
This was the only way I used Twitter for the first 9 months or so.
Then I kept reading more Twitter success stories from other Bloggers and Webmasters so I decided to tweet more to see if I could get similar results.
The Best Way to Use Twitter for Business
If you are using Twitter to promote your site or blog, I've found that the best way to use this service is to tweet about useful, relevant articles and helpful advice.
Hard selling can be a turn off. Twitter is not the place for that. An occasional promotional tweet here and there is not going to hurt you, but your number one goal should be to provide value.
For example, since my sites are about making money online, blogging, web design, etc. I tend to tweet about useful articles I'm reading that are related to my niche. I also announce my new videos and any other relevant projects I feel my followers may be interested in.
When you find the right tweet mix, your followers will appreciate it and they will often Re-Tweet your tweets to their followers and the viral magic begins.
It's Not About Money
Even though I don't sell anything or do a lot of direct promoting on Twitter, I use it to help build my credibility and connection with the people who are interested in what I do. It's just another form of marketing and a way to connect with the people who do use Twitter.
Whether you like it or not, there are millions of people who use it, so you might as well discover a way to reach out to your audience.
It's not always about getting the quick sale. There's something to be said about building credibility and providing useful information to gain trust.
You may not see immediate income results from Twitter, but with continued use (provided thatyour tweets are valued), you'll find that it will improve your traffic in the long-run. And as you know, traffic can lead to more sales.
It's definitely a more indirect way of promoting your sites and brand.
Is Twitter a Waste of Time?
Some people think Twitter is a waste of time, but most of them are referring to people who use it for personal reasons, or people who haven't figured out how to make it work for their business.
Here's a video where I talk about how Twitter has helped my online business.
My Blog Posts About Twitter
Below you'll find a couple of blog posts I've written about Twitter...
Twitter 101
6 Twitter Lessons in 6 Months
Let's Discuss Your Twitter Follow Habits
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